The Intercessor

  • 506mm x 610mm
  • Oil on canvas
  • Unframed
  • Unavailable

There is a strength and power to this woman; the strong shadow she carries on her shoulder is not lifeless and empty – it is a weight of immense proportion that she carries faithfully.

I have had the privilege of knowing Sheila for more than 11 years; I have seen her grow old and weather the storms of life. What has impressed me incredibly about Sheila is her faith and very much alive relationship with her living God. Her movements are severely limited by debilitating arthritis, yet her ability to pray and intercede in a warrior-like manner for her friends and family has grown stronger.
Her move to a assisted-living facility impacted her greatly; her ability as a seamstress and her purpose in life took a bruising, yet her identity as a woman loved by God has flourished and she has found greater purpose in her responsibility of life-changing prayer in support of her family and friends.

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