Into tomorrow with a bag of hope

  • 910mm x 1217mm
  • Oil on canvas
  • Unframed
  • Unavailable

The painting has been quite a journey and has settled in a very different place to where I had set off. What started off as a fairly realistic rendition of a lady walking into the distance on a black beach was interrupted by news that a couple I know are separating, going their own separate ways – it impacted me deeply.

“Leaving, moving on, the allure or need for a different tomorrow,” can be painful, joyful, exciting, or any of a range of different expressions, and for a multitude of reasons. I am impressed though that unless done with a good mix of hope is an exercise in futility.

“Into tomorrow with a bag of hope!” is an expression of hope in the act of moving on, into a future of light, of new horizons, when the place we find ourselves in has become undesirable.

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