Inside My Studio
The studio at my home gets wonderful morning light, so I obviously enjoy painting mornings. Tess, the ridgeback and Kujo, the doberman, will spend hours on their blankets while I paint.
I deliberately have not included the usual kettle and fridge to make tea or coffee. Ideally I spend about 6 hours a day painting, more if I’ve become engrossed in the creative process, which happens very easily.
I find the deliberate act of getting out of the studio to break for a good cuppa helpful to order my thoughts, and structured time helps me be more productive. There are however many days where such breaks aren’t even contemplated.

Tools of the trade . . .
I use a variety of brushes, natural and synthetic fibres – the tool serves the image; no 8 filbert is a favourite.
I’m enjoying the versatility of a variety of palette knives.
Various pieces of lino, plastic and a silkscreen squegee make great scrapers and applicators.
Windsor and Newton is my favoured oil paint and medium brand. Rowney’s Georgian responds well to my mark-making too.