Do you remember when …

  • Oil in canvas
  • 910mm x 1215mm
  • Unframed
  • Available
  • R10 600 (excl packaging and delivery)

Picnics are times to get outside, relax and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, engage with friends and even make new ones. They represent for us a time to recharge from the past, refocus, reimagine and find fresh encouragement and energy for the future.
“Do you remember when . . .” represents a time when that particular activity was severely constrained by the Covid19 pandemic. Picnics were memories only, serving as therapy for our spirits, a time to reminisce and provide some refreshing for our souls. Yet at the same time they have the potential to fuel frustration and anger at our situation; to conjure up angst about our current situation, about who we are and who others are – yet there is hope. Even though there may be some disintegration of the fabric of our memories there is hope – hope in a future of glorious living, where we have hopefully learned a little more of how to embrace change, built some grit into our beings and once again enjoy times together again, albeit in a different way.

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