Expression of the heart

  • 760mm x 915mm
  • Oil and gold leaf on canvas
  • Unframed
  • Available
  • Sold

Speaking from the heart is a very precious action; that action that lays bare that which is often hidden, that which may have been formed and left in the depth of our beings. Undisturbed in a mysterious way, yet fashioned by the pressures of life and our intimate response to the Great Creator. The use of gold leaf is expressive of the preciousness of our hearts as created individuals.
An expression of the heart is a deep expression that does not always have familiar form. We may at times groan from deep within as a response to a particular situation, struggling to articulate that which we feel deep within us. “Expression of the heart” is a visual articulation of that which I am unable to articulate in any verbal way, and yet it too has validity as a means of communicating that which moves me.

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