Corvette Cathedral

  • Oil on Canvas with gold and copper leaf
  • 752mm x 1014mm
  • Unframed
  • Unavailable

I have always admired the Corvette – beautiful design, beautiful lines, all the things that can cause it be admired and for it to find a sure place in your heart.  Owning one would be awesome.  I’d probably spend an inordinate amount of time keeping it shiny and beautiful – to be admired more than driven.  Always wrestling for attention and position that it should not have – the idol of my heart.

The “Corvette Cathedral” painting is a simple comment about society and its inordinate amount of things to be desired; consumerism has become the new religion.

In a 1927 issue of Harvard Review Paul Mazur of Lehman Brothers wrote, “We must shift America from a a needs to a desires culture.  People must be trained to desire, to want new things, even before the old have been entirely consumed.  We must shape a new mentality in America.  Man’s desires must overshadow his needs.”

Oh wow!  They surely they have achieved their goal.

In the painting the hints at elements of cathedral design, structure and leaded windows takes us into the realm of traditional religion.  The traditional picture of Christ and various saints is replaced with the corvette and its admirers.  Use of gold and copper leaf adds a precious element to the painting, inspired by the use of gold in cathedral designs intended to arose images of the glory of God in its eyes and hearts of the believers.

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